
Wednesday 14 September 2011

University year starting in less than a week.

Winter is coming.

The winter semester that is...but more generic winter IS coming too, however not in quite a while. Anyway, I study Law in the local UNWE, being last year student now - 5 out of 5 years. This will be hardest and most demanding obviously, with state exams at the end. Now since I also work part time in a small lawyers firm as an intern in about 2-3 weeks time my update schedule will become sketchy at best I don't think i will have much free time, if any at all.


  1. @ Natural one.

    Eh, luck is the residue of design.

  2. Good luck, my man!

    (I can totally picture you as a lawyer dressed up in chainmail!)

  3. You're 3 years ahead of me, good luck!

  4. I always loved the fresh start feelign of th first day of a new term before the weight of the class load started getting to me

  5. @BDTC

    I will handle it..hopefully.

  6. wish you best of lucks mate! enjoy your golden days

  7. Good luck with the university buddy. I'm starting soon and getting ready for it like you are. Can't wait! Try update as much as possible though! :)
