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There are 3 reasons why you might be here.

You want to learn how to make chainmaille. In this case you should start with my basics guide. Or you saw one of my crossbow guides perhaps? Or you simply like awesome stuff of which I am a capable provider even if I say so myself. In this case, the popular posts section is a good start. This blog(and me) is very much active and I'd gladly help you out if you have question and so on. You can find me at email: bogy_shashav@abv.bg or skype: bogy_shashav

Have fun and enjoy your stay.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Плетене на ризници койф, част 5

Големия финал. Койфа е завършен и готов за носене. Позабавих се признавам - лекции какво да се прави. Мантията се прави чрез разширяващи се редове надолу, но може и по други начини.

Погледнато отгоре.

Къса мантия е, но може да се продължи и до раменете без проблем.

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