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Thursday 13 October 2011

On the art of chainmaille - making a coif part 5

Finally, its done, can't let my studies get in the way of armor making can we? The mantle piece can be made in many ways or not at all(if you want to attach the coif to a chainmail shirt norman style) In this case I used strips of 4in1 with expanding rows.

Look from above

Its a fairly short one, just enough to cover the neck, but you can stretch is afar as the shoulders if needed.

Link to previous part


9 коментара:

Excellent as usual buddy, absolutely excellent. Nice work once again man, keep it up.

Really cool. Protects your head yet not too warm to wear in the summer.

Wear coif, feel safe. Awesome.

Wow, looks pretty time consuming

Looks very tedious. I think I read somewhere that these take upwards of like 50+ hours to make.

I make one for my medieval cosplay *-*

Cool :). Looks like alot of small work though

Amazing craftsmanship of yours - I bet you could change this hobby into a profitable job with some good advertising - I've once been to a great armour shop (that's correct) in Prague. Full-plate body armour was really affordable there - genuine pieces of brand new suits of armour starting at $300 - sounds like a bargain of a century, eh?

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